Monday 22 August 2011

Nothing is certain but death and taxes (and changes to requirements)

The saying, 'there is nothing certain in life but death and taxes' has been used and modified over the years. 

So one more modification won't hurt... let's add on "change".  Change is inevitable.  I covered this slightly before in Requirements - The Moving Target  - "the only constant when it comes to business requirements analysis is that things keep changing"

In Adriana Beal's latest blog We are all part of the conversation, from inception to design and beyond, she mentions "No matter how good you are at identifying and documenting requirements, there will always be something left unsaid that may have a huge impact in project success."
One adaptation of the Death and Taxes phrase comes from 'Gone with the Wind', "Death, taxes and childbirth! There's never any convenient time for any of them"... so let's add "change" to that too!  Is there ever a convenient time for change?

Anyone else hearing the word Agile running through their heads?

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